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Mastering Customer Success. Discover tactics to decrease churn and expand revenue

Mastering Customer Success. Discover tactics to decrease churn and expand revenue

Autor: Jeff Mar, Peter Armaly, Mark Stouse
ISBN: 9781835466773
Tytuł oryginału: Mastering Customer Success. Discover tactics to decrease churn and expand revenue
Format: HA, stron: 170
Data wydania: 2024-05-31

Koszty wysyłki

Cena książki: 99.90 zł



The rapidly evolving customer success landscape has left many Customer Success Managers (CSMs) struggling to keep pace with the complexities of this dynamic role. This Customer Success book bridges the gap by providing a comprehensive framework for mastering the essential skills required to excel.
You’ll find out why the Customer Success function is indispensable today and gain expert insights into account segmentation, financial tiering, ideal customer profiles, and the complexity of customer engagement process design. You’ll then delve into playbook development, where you’ll find practical guidance for CSMs and Customer Success Operations Managers who want to improve their ability to drive desired business outcomes. Through insightful case studies, the authors illustrate their own experience of successful Customer Success implementation, showing you what it takes to exceed customer expectations with well-designed, proactive services. The journey doesn’t end there—it extends to highlighting the resilience required to build and operate successful Customer Success organizations.
By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the tactics and mindset necessary to stand out as a world-class Customer Success leader in your organization, driving growth at every turn.

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